Live Life, Love Life, Love VW.

A little peak at something I have been working on the last few days on my work experience at Studio View. A design was needed for a clients slogan, which represented their brand. A company that hire luxury, vintage VW campervans for holidays, weddings or travelling. My approach was to focus mainly on circular design of the VW logo and the letterforms, potentially stylising this with a heart icon, yet making sure it wasn’t too cliche. Simplicity was key. The final could be complimented by being made into a stamp, taking extracting parts of the typography, adding individuality and giving a hippy and vintage aesthetic.

Futura bold is a typeface that loves to be tight. This design is clean, simple yet effective, with the 'w' following down from the 'v', which was inspired by the iconic VW logo.

Futura bold is a typeface that loves to be tight. This design is clean, simple yet effective, with the ‘w’ following down from the ‘v’, which was inspired by the iconic VW logo.

This combines the heart and circular forms, but in a more free relaxed style.

This combines the heart and circular forms, but in a more free relaxed style.

A design that again focuses on the circular/heart combination. Stylised typography in the negatives, creating the 'VW' like in the original logo. This pin style is also on of the trends for this years logos, as on logo lounge.

A design that again focuses on the circular/heart combination. Stylised typography in the negatives, creating the ‘VW’ like in the original logo. This pin style is also on of the trends for this years logos, as on logo lounge.

A lightweight logo, clean and simplistic. Working with more of an arc for the letterforms.

A lightweight logo, clean and simplistic. Working with more of an arc for the letterforms.

Focusing on the vehicle itself, looking at the lights on the campervan and the depth. The shapes create a smile, which fits in with the slogan.

Focusing on the vehicle itself, looking at the lights on the campervan and the depth. The shapes create a smile, which fits in with the slogan.